An Ode to Blackberry

An Ode to Blackberry

Will offers up his feelings on the news of the new Blackberry phone being released.  This isn’t a review. It’s more of a cathartic letter written in response to Blackberry’s sinking ship.  Here’s to you Blackberry. Here’s to you. It sat loosely in my pocket, was thin, and had a keyboard and scroller ball. I’d pull it out whenever it dinged to let me know I had a message, text, SMS, email, or of course a...

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Awkward Extra’s Scenes Can’t Be Cut Says Director

Awkward Extra’s Scenes Can’t Be Cut Says Director

  Director Neil Danson showed up to the set of his feature film on Monday with no intention of giving one extra any legitimate screentime, but his hopes were crushed as he reviewed the footage. “There’s just no way to take him out,” he said. “It’s just awful because he’s so fucking awkward.” The entire production team is baffled at how the extra wound up in the shots, chalking it up to a ton of handjobs, but nobody has come...

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The Gilded Age of Tech

The Gilded Age of Tech

When did “technology”start referring to anything with computer code? It used to be a wheel, a hammer, a combustibile engine, or something that made a process easier. Something that allowed the human race to move forward and provide each other with more food, or opportunities. Now, the next big thing I keep hearing about on NPR, and fill-in-the-blank news source is the iWatch — Apple’s expected next big reveal. Frankly, I’m...

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