Poppin’ a Third Wheelie

Poppin’ a Third Wheelie

Third Wheel 0026

The best friend’s boyfriend is always a tough one to approach. You don’t want to get too close because what if they break up, and you don’t want to be too distant because then it will seem as though you’re not taking your best friend duties seriously enough by not caring. Either way, you don’t really win. I have, however, been lucky enough to have great best friend’s boyfriends in my life. Most of them actually care enough to talk to me and reach out, and some of them I was friends with before they started dating my besties. But where is the line drawn? Can you be an asshole to the boyfriend if it’s deserving or do you have to just bite your tongue and suck it up? My patience was put to the test when I took in my best pal and her boo in this past weekend.


Let me start off by saying, I’ve been friends with Brandon for close to 10 years and he’s a really good friend of mine. I’ve been best friends with his girlfriend Tammy, for double the amount (that’s 20 years). So when Brandon called me a couple months ago asking if they could stay with me when they came to the city to see a Broadway show, I said “sure, I’d be happy to host you two”.  Brandon and I discussed my only stipulation; since I live in a studio, I wasn’t keen on the idea of them sleeping in my bed while I slept on my couch and watched from 4 feet away. Brandon agreed, assured me that they can go two nights without sex, and he’d be happy to take the couch.


The time had come and Brandon and Tammy were en route to NYC. I was excited to see both of them, especially my best pal, who I just can’t get enough of. Upon arrival, we decided to go grab a drink to decompress and celebrate simultaneously. Our one drink turned into many drinks and before you know it I was third wheelin’ it, HARD. I can imagine it’s tough to balance your best friend and your boyfriend at the same time so I knew Tammy was in a tough spot. It’s equally as hard to not get in the middle of a dispute between your best friend and her boyfriend when you’re sitting there with him. There was a lot of “well Justine what do you think about this?” putting me in the situation where I had to either side with my best friend and diss her boyfriend, or vice versa. I was in a pickle (Sidenote: speaking of pickles, when we got back to my apartment that night, Brandon put his gross boy hands in my pickle jar and it was an issue. Tammy told him he shouldn’t have, and I sat there and pouted). Anyway, on our way home from “Threes Company Out on the Town”, Tammy said “Justine, Brandon cleaned his whole room before we left”. Ummm okay? I had no idea how to respond but the alcohol in my system took care of that for me. “I’m sorry Tammy, but he’s a 26 year old man, how would you like me to respond to the fact that he cleaned his room?”. Brandon quickly defended me by saying he should be keeping his room clean and he doesn’t know why she would bring that up. But see now, it’s happening again– I chose Brandon’s side and now we are ganging up on Tammy. I CAN NEVER WIN(except I totally won that one).


After a series of “honey, baby, babe, sweetie, and hon” our weekend was commencing and the hangover had set in. Sunday morning rolled around and the thought of even standing was nauseating. Luckily, we had the fabulous idea of watching “Tommy Boy” while recovering and Brandon thought he would watch it with me, in my bed, with no shirt on. I quickly addressed that by making Tammy switch places with him and have him go to the couch. He rewarded me with blowing up my bathroom and then not washing his hands. All in all, a memorable weekend that I was happy to go through.

Justine Kolsky

About Justine Kolsky

Justine Kolsky is a writer for Rookerville. Aside from trying to perfect her twerk, she likes to spend her time being cold and sarcastic to her peers. Tell her I said "hello", she'll know what it means.


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